Drilling tools

Interchangeable drill rods and augers of various lengths, diameters, and connection types. Drill bits and crowns of different diameters for handling tasks of varying complexity.


Tools for water-well and auger drilling

Drill rod for flushing drilling method

Drill rod DR3000_60x6_API 2 3/8REG

Drill rod DR1500_60x6_API 2 3/8REG

Length: 3000 or 1500 mm.

Weight = 27.3 or 14.3 kg

Lock with tapered thread Z-66 shortened.

Lock material: Steel 45.

Lock surface hardened with oil.

Lock connection to pipe: Tapered thread, type – tubing coupling thread (TCT) GOST 633-80.

Lock outer diameter = 75 mm.

Key size = 55 mm.

Keyway height: 30 mm.

The coupling part of the lock (with internal thread) has two keyways for elevator operation. Outer diameter: 60 mm.

Wall thickness: 6 mm.

Inner diameter: 48 mm.

Lock passage diameter: 35 mm.

drill rod lock api 2 3-8

Drill rod DR3000_50x5_Z-50_LIGHT

Drill rod DR1500_50x5_Z-50_LIGHT

Drill rod for flushing drilling method.

Length: 3000 or 1500 mm.

Weight = 19.5 or 11.2 kg

Lock with tapered thread Z-50 shortened.

Lock material: Steel 45.

Lock surface hardened with oil.

Lock connection to pipe: Tapered thread, type – tubing coupling thread
(TCT) GOST 633-80.

Lock outer diameter = 64 mm.

Key size = 50 mm.

Keyway height: 30 mm.

The coupling part of the lock (with internal thread) has two keyways for
elevator operation. Outer diameter: 50 mm.

Wall thickness: 5 mm.

Inner diameter: 40 mm.

Lock passage diameter: 30 mm.

drill lock Z50 light series

Drill bits - wing type

Used for drilling pilot holes through soft or medium soil hardness. 

Order code example:

 VK8-200-4 | VK8-200-3| VK8-180-4 | VK8-180-3 | VK8-160-4 | VK8-160-3 | VK8-150-4 | VK8-150-3 | VK8-140-3 | VK8-125-3 | VK8-112-3 | VK8-100-3

Bits 3-bladed or 4 bladed, diameter from 100 to 200 mm,  blades material – VK-8, (alloy plates: tungsten 91.7%, cobalt

7.4-8%, carbon 0.6-0.66%, iron no more than 0.3%).

Drill augers

Drilling auger D100 L1500 

Drilling auger D135 L1500

Drilling auger D180 L1500

Auger bits

Auger bit D121

Auger bit D151

Auger bit D198

auger bit